Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 22: Hankin Cove to Dixie Cove

Another short run today. I stopped into Fair Harbour, the only place to buy fuel in Kyuquot Sound, and picked up 15 gallons of gas and a few gallons of diesel for the Wallas. I probably didn’t need any additional fuel to get to Zeballos, but it’s better to have too much than not enough.

Other than fuel, Fair Harbour didn’t have much. It’s the end of a long, dirt road, and the launching point for trailerable boats in Kyuquot Sound. The store stocks chips, candy, ice, and fishing tackle during July and August, but they weren’t yet open.

After visiting Fair Harbour I headed for Dixie Cove Marine Park. Once again, I dropped the hook in windy and rainy weather, but conditions moderated in the evening and I took off in the kayak. The shoreline was interesting, but not spectacular.
Dixie Cove inner anchorage
About 2:00 am, I awoke to torrential rain and strong winds—I’d estimate 30 knots. I checked my position on GPS and I hadn’t moved. Good, the anchor is holding. I’ve been impressed with the 15lb Manson Supreme and 50-feet of chain, both last summer and this summer so far. This anchor sets almost instantly and holds amazingly well. The only problem is it tends to bring up a lot of the bottom with it!

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