Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 74-Kumealon Island Cove to Lowe Inlet

I woke up to wind that had shifted around from the north to the south but was still blowing pretty strongly.  Maybe 15 knots.

After breakfast I pulled the anchor and discovered a problem.  The windlass is still not working right.  At this point the problem must lie in either the gypsy or the rode itself.  My guess is the rode.  It’s certainly a lot stiffer than it was when I first got it and it doesn’t fall easily into the locker.  When I get to Hartley Bay and I’m at a dock I’ll swap out the rode with the backup I have and see how that works.

Grenville Channel ended up being rather bumpy.  2-3 footers close together and right on the nose.  Between the wind and the head seas I lost nearly 2 knots of speed.

Hardly any other boats on the water today.  One BC Ferry came past, but that’s it.  Given the wind, rain, and low clouds, that’s not too surprising I guess.

Hans and Terri had recommended Lowe Inlet to me.  They said it has a waterfall at the head where bears congregate.  They were right.  As I arrived a bear was strolling along shore.  Three other boats were already anchored outside the falls, but thanks to being the smallest boat around I took the boat all the way up to the waterfall and dropped the anchor in white water at the base of it.  This was a perfect spot since it offered ideal bear watching without having to get in a kayak.

The bears were pretty active all day long.  They’d come down to the waterfall, grab a fish, and retreat back into the woods.  I even saw one swimming behind the boat!
Fishing bear
Swimming bear
26.9 nm today and 2,564.2 total

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